Wedding Ideas

Everything You Need For Your Emergency Bridal Kit

July 19, 2016 | By Francesca Sgambati

New Jersey Bride Bridal Survival Kit
Etsy Shop: WithCongratulations

These days you can find almost anything you need for your wedding online. You can buy a Wedding Day Survival Kit from places like Etsy or Sephora – but if you want to get creative, you can make your own survival kit, or make one as a gift for a special bride-to-be in your life. We compiled a list of some of the must-have items for your a wedding day emergency kit, ranging from personal hygiene products to beauty products. Let us know if we missed anything important! What are your must-have emergency products for your big day?


Beauty & Fashion

Hair Brush/Comb

Hair Spray

Hair Ties & Bobby pins


Krazy Glue for nails

Lint Roller

Extra makeup for touch-ups

Nail Polish Remover / Nail File

Corsage Pins & Safety Pins


Black Socks / Extra Underwear

Back-up jewelry

Extra Earring Backs

 Heel Protectors (for walking on the grass in heels)

Flats (in case someone needs a change of shoes)

White chalk (for last minute stains on your wedding dress or grooms white shirt)

Tide Pen / Stain Remover

Fashion Tape

Sewing Kits


Personal Hygiene



Make Up Remover

 Face/Hand Wipes


Oil Absorbing Sheets

Hand Sanitizer


Tooth Brush / Tooth Paste

Dental Floss

 Mints / Breath Spray


 Tampons / Sanitary Pads

 Lip Balm




Extra Items


Eye drops

Scotch Tape

Blister Treatment

Matches / Lighter

Medicine (Aspirin, Benadryl, Antacid)

Granola Bars

Smelling Salts for if anyone passes out

Essential oils for calming

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New Jersey Bride Wedding Day Survival Kit