Wedding Ideas

Things We Love: Active Rings

January 04, 2016 | By Francesca Sgambati

New Jersey Bride Active RingsDo you go to the gym daily? Play sports? Go on hikes? Have you ever participated in a tough mudder? And most importantly: do you hate the thought of your husband or wife taking off their wedding band while they’re doing something active?

Those are all perfect examples of when you could wear an active ring. Active rings are silicone rubber wedding rings that are meant to replace your real wedding ring while you’re being… well, active!

Active Rings is a small, at-home startup run by husband and wife Danielle and Victor Alvarado right out of New Jersey. 

Danielle and Victor got married in 2011, and they have always been the type of people that like to be active,such as going to the gym and hiking. “We never wanted to lose or damage our rings, so we found ourselves taking our rings off whenever we did certain activities,” Victor said, “the thing is, we always wanted to portray our marital status, even while doing those things.”

After having no luck looking around online, in late 2013 Victor and Danielle decided to start their own business and called it Active Rings.

“Our rings are primarily meant to be worn when you don’t want to wear your real wedding ring but still want to show your marital status.  Let’s say someone wanted to run a tough mudder or go kayaking. They know there is a good chance their real ring may slide right off or become damaged.” Victor said.

Active rings are also useful for police offices, firefighters, construction workers, chefs, or any type of job that requires getting your hands dirty.

Currently they have five colors: stone gray, black, cobalt blue, red, and green camo. They can be found on Amazon or on their website.

“Our goal is to help people show their martial status and lower the risk of losing or damaging their real wedding rings. I try to live a life that gives value to others and we hope our product does just that!”